Friday 5 April 2013

Silver Linings Playbook, the outsiders-won't-understand-LOVE

It's Friday people! Weekend is just around the corner and care for some movies?

I was actually struggling whether to introduce Silver Linings Playbook or Side Effects, and i decide to do Silver Lining Playbook :) Side Effects is a psychological thriller and might be too heavy for people to cope with it after a week of crazy work lol. So, something lighter, i.e. a romantic comedy-drama might be a better option to have a relaxing weekend (or actually it isn't, it just happen to has a happy ending lol ).

This is a great movie with great actors and actress. Imagine it has EIGHT Oscars nomination including ALL four acting categories. That is how GOOD this movie is.

I know, people might say Oscars nominated movies are normally boring and boring and BORING. But trust me, this one is fun and it makes you think about lots of things after watching it. [Spoiler alert] The dancing part at the end actually reminds me of another movie Miss Little Sunshine, which also has a surprisingly entertaining dancing part.

Basically this movie is talking about a man whose wife has an affair with a colleague of both of them. And when he accidentally saw them together, he beat the hell out of that man and ended up being sent into a psychiatry hospital. When he came home, he was still obsessed in getting back together with his wife and has tried his best to achieve his goal. One day, he met his friend's wife's sister (i know, complicated relationship), who has problem coping with her ex-husband's death. They somehow were attracted to each other and the girl tricked him into entering a dance competition with her.

The pace of the show is generally very natural, which some people might find it slow. But i think that pace is just nice for a movie like this. Like the parts when people trying to cope with their own psychological problem. That moment of silence was very convincing and I literally is amazed by their acting performance. Love the chemistry between all of them. They are awesome!

[Spoiler alert] Love the part when Pat and Tiffany were discussing what anti-depressants they have taken on the dining table. It was creepy but amusing haha. Also, love the performance of Dr Patel as well, he is like such a serious person at work and when it comes to american football, he went wild lol. Love his indian accent too, it's like Raj from Big Bang Theory haha. 

This movie shows how very messed up people can be happy just because of very small things that means the world to them. Everyone has their own problems, you just have to face it and deal with it. I love the attitude of Tiffany, she's like "Ya i'm very fucked up, but i still love myself. So accept it or leave me."

I wasn't that impressed by Jennifer Lawrence when she was in Hunger Game, but she really did a very great job in Silver Linings Playbook. Can't believe she is same age as me! The acting performance was very polished and well played. No, i don't love her, i just like her performance in this movie lol.

Bradley Cooper did a great job too. He earns what he has. Having so many supporting roles played in different movie, finally this one got him a very fruitful experience. Although he didn't win the Oscars, I'm very sure people in the industry has notice him and will make him a great star sooner or later. And btw, he was in Hangover movies haha. The psycho in that series is different from the one in here. lol.

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