Friday 19 April 2013

Will She Live Happily Ever After?


Anyway, this week is like the premiere week of Japanese drama for Spring 2013. So, I'm excited! Always a fan of Japanese drama but last season i've only followed one drama. As that's the only one i found to be interesting =/

This season is good though, as i have already picked out a few that i will follow. Today i'll introduce one of them which i've already watched the premiere episode -- < Last Cinderella >

It's a romantic comedy which talks about a 39 years old woman who work v hard to live her life but have forgotten about how to have a relationship. Love all the actors and actresses, I've copied down a relationship chart of all characters in this drama hope that can provide some explanations. Watching this drama is very relaxing, which is good for after work hours haha.

The lead actress Shinohara Ryoko has a lot of other famous works such as <Unfair> (still one of my favourite police detective type drama). As for the lead actors, Miura Haruma is one of my favourite young japanese actor. He caught my eyes in <Bloody Monday> which is a thriller about a computer genius trying to stop terrorists. On the other hand, the other guy, Fujiki Naohito he is also my favourite actor too. He was in the drama <Hotaru no Hikaru> acting as a boss of the lead actress and have a funny but romantic relationship with her. I like him more when he's in a romantic comedy.

Miura Haruma took big leap to act as a boy toy kind of guy this time. He surprises me everytime =) He was acting as a teacher last time in another drama while he was only 20 years old. Yes, he's only one year older than me, 23 this year! Such a young and talented actor. He was already in the famous japanese movie series <Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari > in 2011. That is a movie which contains a number of short stories and only invite really famous and good actors/actresses to get involve in.

Anyway, after watching the premiere episode, i believe i will continue to follow this drama as i think it would be interesting to see how a manly middle age woman (SPOILER: she really grows beard in the beginning of 1st ep 0.0) can interact with a boytoy young guy and get into a relationship =)

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