Thursday 18 April 2013

DIY Beetle Nail

Nowadays people like to do manicure and pedicure to make their nails look pretty. And because of the bad economy, people like to do things all by themselves, thus my favourite word = DIY. Sometimes it might even be better to do it yourself cos you get to customize the style and everything. Best thing is, DIY can stimulate the brain for more creativity and discover more possibilities, which is AWESOME!

Today is beauty day so i think it's good to tell you guys about my first and only nail art i've done. Last weekend when i was shopping in Jusco, i saw like SASA is doing some promotion on the nail polish so i went to take a look. The nail polish looks v high quality and they selling them at RM10.90 for 2 bottles so i quickly dig in the piles and discovered 2 colours that i like. One is kinda like a dark Tiffany & Co green and the other is a low-profile-bling-bling blue.

Didn't think of doing nail art at first because i was so satisfied with the green itself already. 

However after a while, i thought maybe doing some variations would be a great experiment since i never do it before. So, i used a cotton swab to add in some orange spots. Never really use the orange nail polish as the colour is too dramatic for me and i've only used it to test the black cracking nail polish effect. And guess what, cotton swab is a great tool to create the little orange spots on the nail =) 

Yes, i used green and orange, which are two totally not related colours. But the effect was actually quite cute and looks like beetles haha.

Decided to do something different with the thumbnails so i used the new blue nail polish i bought to create stripes which was also achieved by using the cotton swab. However this time i squeezed the cotton swab a little bit so that it can stay hard enough to do the stripes.

And yeah, here goes my first and successful nail art =)

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