Monday 15 April 2013

Hokkaido Chiffon Cake

Did my almost-routine baking last Thursday with a recipe i grabbed online for Hokkaido Chiffon Cake. Now this cake is like selling everywhere in bakeries. Fell in love with the one sold near my place with very rich and milky whipped cream.  However, it's not very affordable to eat everyday so i thought i can try baking it myself and see how the it goes.

Bought everything i need from tesco except cake flour. Couldnt find it so i decide to make my own cake flour instead as apparently it is very easy to substitute different kind of flours with all-purpose flour and some other baking ingredients. So cake flour's equation is " 140g cake flour = 100g flour + 40g corn starch". I'm not a big fan of the CUP, TEASPOON, TABLESPOON measurement as they can be really inaccurate. So i prefer to do everything based on weighing scale =) Simple and accurate!

Will share with you the recipe later. Now just to share with you some changes i made to the recipe when i baking the Hokkaido chiffon cake. As usual, i cut half the portion and made only 4 cakes (or should i rather say cupcakes lol). Then i used only 2 egg whites instead of 3 as i really think my house's eggs are really GIGANTIC. and i whisk my egg white and sugar with a spoon, which is totally wrong but i dun have any choices because i dun have a whisk or blender. As a result, didnt manage to get the sponge feel inside the cake. Another thing is i substitute the milk with chocolate milk haha. Just to make use of the chocolate milk that nobody is actually drinking. Other than all that, I comply with the recipe i found =)

Result was not bad. Except the sponge cake texture wasn't achieved due to my poor whisking tool and technique. Inspite of that, everything went well actually, which was kinda surprising as i haven't successfully bake something for quite some time haha. The whipped cream is made of the heavy cream leftover from the cream puff baking session. Still taste amazing!

This is how it looks like when it came out fresh from the oven. The middle one was like a tasting sample so i finish it before i put in the whipped cream. 

Anyway, good experience this time and guess i'll try it again next time when i bought my whisk!

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