Thursday 25 April 2013

Skinfood Black Bean Nose Pack

I always have a problem to deal with the blackheads and whiteheads on my nose as i have several experience of over-squeezing them which left scars on my nose for few days. That was embarrassing! Tried using scrubs too but they are too invasive and make my skin peeled off together with the dirts. And AGAIN, scars =.=

Then my bf introduces me Skinfood Black Bean Nose Pack. He said it is very effective for him so he gave me some to have a try. How thoughtful =) Anyway, at first i wasn't sure about using it cos i scare it will screw up my nose again. But then since i have it, i might as well just try. When i sticked it onto my nose, first thing i noticed is the black bean smell. It wasn't too bad to be honest, i kinda like that smell haha. Then i just left it on my nose for 10-15mins until it is dried and hardened. The peel off process was great. It is best to peel off at light speed cos it will pull out all the black and white heads. Surprisingly, my nose skin remained. I was about to shout YEY cos this is the first time my nose was not ruined.

This is how the pack looks like. One pack contains 5 pieces and i normally use one every 3-5 days depends on my nose's condition. It is not feasible to use it when you have a clean nose right? So ya, one pack can last for about 1 month for me.

The instructions are all clearly written on the package. Basically i use a cleanser to wash my face first to let the pores open. It will be better if you use warm water as heat can accelerate the opening of the pores. Then with the help of a few drops of water on your nose, stick the nose patch tightly. Be careful not to touch the nose pack surface with wet fingers as it will make it ineffective. It looks like they really pound the blackbean into powder mix with starch or something to make them stay as one piece lol. The point is, it looks fragile so please handle with care to make it effective. 

After 10-15 minutes, pull it out quickly. I usually check the nose patch to see which area has more black heads. Then i check my nose as some black heads tend to be very tough to be pulled out so i will just use my fingers and a tissue to remove them. If you are going to do it, make sure your nails are short so that you don't scratch your own skin. Also, you need find a certain angle to squeeze them out easily. If still doesn't work, stop trying. Your skin is more important than a small black head. After u pull out the nose patch, there will be some black residue on the nose, just rinse it with water. 

Last important step, use a toner to close up the pores as you don't want to accumulate dirts/oil in your recently cleaned pores right? This is important, if you do it, you'll get a shiny and clean nose =)

That's all for today. May you have a blackhead-free skin!

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