Monday 22 April 2013

A Sweet Mistake - Chocolate Muffin/Cupcake

Anyone suffering from monday blue today? Hope everyone's alright =)

Anyway, I'm so excited to talk about my baking session last week! Well, i found a chocolate muffin recipe and thought i could bake some to finish up the paper cups i left from the hokkaido chiffon cake session.

As usual, i thought i will just use half amount of each ingredients as i only have 3 or 4 paper cups left. However, things happen. After i finish mixing the flour and baking powder to create 130g of self-raising flour, i forgot to halve the rest of the ingredients =.= So ya, i use the original amount of ingredients with only 130g of self-raising flour. Forgot to put more baking powder too yey. Milk was substituted with the chocolate milk and no vanilla extract was used as i was too lazy to cut the vanilla stick.

So it turn out to have super runny mixture which i still use it anyway.

I've got my WHISK finally =) Ya, it looks like extra-chocolate chocolate milk. And the chocolate cubes i've thrown in all sink to the bottom, thanks to gravity. Anyway, everything happens for a reason so i'm still gonna bake it. Tried a small amount in the paper cups i used in the hokkaido chiffon cake session but the mixture leaked out so i change to a smaller cupcake's cup. The baking time was exactly 10 minutes.

Doesn't look too bad right? Except that the surface is like moon surface, i guess i didn't whisk too well haha. Used a chopstick to confirm that inside was cooked yey!

Due to my mistake of putting too little flour, the cake is very moist and soft which is actually v nice. Very light and fluffy too. After baking the samples, i decide to just throw in the mixture into the cake mould for convenience and laziness haha. Because the chocolate cubes are too heavy for the mixture, i filter out the chocolate and put half of the mixture in the cake mould and baked for 10 minutes first. Then i take out the half-cooked cake and pour in the mixture with chocolate cubes. By doing this, the chocolates will not sink to the bottom as the cooked layer will hold the weight of the chocolates. Then, i put the cake back into the oven for another 10 minutes.

This is how it looks like when it came out from the oven. The chocolate was melted and it actually looks like those chocolate lava cake haha.

This is the best baking session to date. Stupid goes lucky haha.

Recipe reference:

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