Friday 12 April 2013

One Pill Can Change Your Life

Side Effects. This is a movie which i wanted to introduce since last week as i really like it. It is relevant to my field of knowledge and i'm always a big fans for psychological thriller. Plus, they have really good actors and actresses including Jude Law (with his sexy british slang), Channing Tatum, Rooney Mara and Catherine Zeta Jones (haven't seen her on screen for a while).

I wasn't familiar with the lead actress when i watched it, then i did some digging on her after the movie. She was in the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Personally think she handled the character in Side Effects really well. Can't really compared with her other work as i've not seen any of them haha. The way she expressing the symptoms and reactions of a depressive patient is very truthful. Jude Law and Catherine did their parts as psychiatry doctors as well. However, i think Catherine is overachieving the sexiness of her character, it just not really making sense for a doctor to look that seductive. She could put in more layers of acting in her character (not sure if this is the right way of saying it as i direct translated my comments from chinese haha).

The story is mainly revolving around Rooney's character, who is a woman struggling with major depression and has problem coping with it which results in a tragedy. The first climax was quite shocking and surprising. They did a great in telling and leading the audience into the story. And yes, i would say this story is totally acceptable if it happens in real life. Love the ending too, glad that everyone gets what they deserved.

Drugs that treat psychological disorders are still under the grey area of medicines. As it is quite subjective to determine whether the person is well-treated or getting worse. The symptoms are not very conclusive with a lot of variations. The drugs themselves, although have the chance to treat the patients, also have different side effects which can cause other problems. The most troublesome part is that the side effects, can be anything. The drugs are meant to deal with the brain, so it is perfectly normal that it can lead to different results. That is what make this movie interesting =) They actually convinced me to go and look up on the medicine after movie lol. Don't worry, of course the drug is fictional haha.

Decided not to do spoilers this time so please, go to the cinema and watch this movie! It's a 4/5 stars for me.

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