Monday 29 April 2013

Cheese Lover's Meat Lover Pizza!

Ok, time for pizza baking!

So my bf came visit me as usual on Saturday. He very excited to go watch <Iron Men 3> with me so we went to Jusco to see if we can get the tickets. Unfortunately, the queue was like crazy and the available screening time was too late. So we ended up shopping and i found this pizza dough recipe which i wanted to try so we went to bought some ingredients for the pizza yey!

Anyway we brought back tomato paste, cheese, mushrooms, ham (for him) and bacons (for me). But the time was too late when we finally got back, we decided to do it on Sunday for brunch =)

Anyway, as usual i cut half the required ingredients as there is only 2 person eating. And this time,  i followed the recipe obediently haha. And i was in charge to measure the ingredients while he mixed them. Great collaboration as i won't need to mix until my arms fall apart to make the dough lol. 

Happy boy with the dough in his hand haha. We spread the dough on the baking paper. And put the ingredients on top. Unfortunately we forgot to put the mushrooms so only ham and bacon.

This is how it looks like before putting into the oven. I'm a cheese lover so for the cheese amount, the more the better haha.

After 10 minutes of baking, finally the pizza is ready! So pretty with all the melted cheese on top lol. I shall name this cheese lover's meat lover HAHA.

Next week, hopefully i will get the Half-baked nagasaki cake done so that i can introduce you guys =)


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