Wednesday 10 April 2013

Boots, without overheating my legs!

Sometimes i wonder, how did i go from a girl with only a pair of sneakers and a pair of flats to a lady who owns like over 10 pair of shoes. It's a massive progression lol. Thanks to my mum for the previous state and thanks to my uni mates for my latest state haha.

I have a mysterious love for ankle boots. Part of the reason is that boots make my legs look long and slim. Since i feel that it is quite ridiculous for me to wear a long boots in this crazy heat, i put my eyes on ankle boots =) Another thing is, i LOVE heels, they make me look taller haha. So ya the final choice would be ankle boots with heels. And not any height can do, i only wan those 3 inch heels as short heels doesn't make much changes and way-too-high heels will break my ankles.

Zara has good ankle boots all the time, bought a pair suede ankle boots last time which is still one of my favourite shoes in the closet. It was a steal, they sold it at 15 pounds after a 50% reduction.

So im now gonna introduce a few types of ankle boots which i like recently =) Just about the style and not about where you can get it lol. I'll explain why.

A really simple design of a basic ankle boots. The cutting is really smooth and nice with this nude colour, u can match it with anything.
A slightly special pair of boots. I like the colour as it is refreshing, also not forgetting the special texture they having. And this item itself is a pleasant surprise already and it will be a huge success to wear it for outing/dating.
Cooler pair of boots. With the leopard print, it will be suitable for a wilder outfit. I like the fact that it is not the usual leopard print colour as this tone is more mysterious. The low-profiled luxurious feel.
I share this just because it looks really special. However, after having a closer look, i don't think i like it that much anymore as it has too many types of texture in one item, which is kinda too complicated for me.
This one, is an elegant lady's shoes. Can't wait to see how the feet will magically slim down after fitting in this pair of heels! Love the cutting and everything. It's elegant and you can wear it for formal events AND casual outings. 
Ok, not really a fan of the colour tone but i like the design of this item. However, you need a fair skin tone to be able to rock this pair of shoes i think. With a fair skin tone, you will be able to create the peek-a-boo feel.

And, that's all for today. The reason why i didn't reveal the brands is because i think there are lots of similarly designed shoes available on the market which you can get it for a much lower price and that's what i am looking for. The most important thing is you like it and you WILL wear it. And sometimes if i have really pricey shoes, i might not wear it that often as i'll scare it gets dirty or spoilt etc. So ya, style is more important than the brand =)

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