Wednesday 29 May 2013

SS: 5 Minutes Perfect Scramble Eggs

Hola! Today i'm going to teach a very simple way of making scramble eggs, which takes only 5 minutes to make it.

As i love scramble eggs so much, i've been experimenting the best way of making it including trying out the Gordon Ramsey's method which is relatively tidious but nice. I mean, you won't go wrong with a Michelin chef right.

Anyway, i made scramble eggs for my brunch yesterday and i would love to share the recipe as the result turns out real good. What you need is 2 eggs, 1-2 tablespoons of milk (i substitute it with soya milk as i have no milk left) and seasoning including salt and pepper.

First, break the eggs and add in the milk and little pinch of salt for seasoning. Then, whisk the eggs vigorously to incoporate air so that the final product will be fluffy. However, be careful not to overdo and produce too much foam.

Heat the pan and put some butter or oil and turn to low fire. When the pan is not that hot, pour in the eggs. If the pan is too hot, the eggs will be cooked too fast and become omelette instead of scramble eggs haha.

Ok, COOKING TIPS! Straight away use the WHISK to scramble the eggs by gently stir clockwise/anti-clockwise. This will produce very nicely scrambled eggs. Also, the eggs will not stick to the whisk compared to a wooden spatula. Therefore, easy cleaning process =)

Serve the eggs when they reach the texture you desire with pinch of pepper on top.

I made toasts and mushroom soup as well! Toasts can be done by oven since i have no microwave at home. 200 degree celcius for 3-5 minutes will make perfect toasts =)

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