Monday 27 May 2013

SS: The Eventful Long Weekend

Hello people! Today is the start of my Special Series posts, I'm so excited about it =)

As i said last week, i went to Malacca with my parents for a wedding lunch and therefore we depart in the morning on Friday. 

Puffy eyes as a result of waking up early in the morning. 

Didn't manage to update anything on Friday as i spent most of my time on the car thanks to the crazy heavy traffic in Malacca. But still, there were some happy moments, such as getting new clothes at 50-70% off sales and meeting up with some old good friends. 

Meeting friends with new top bought in the afternoon hahaha! I was talking so much with my two lovely friends that i nearly went voiceless at the end of the gathering. I guess i talk too much too furious haha. 

And the most eventful day will be Sunday. Went to watch Fast & Furious 6 with my bf and ended up getting minor food poisoning therefore went home straight after the movie. I am suspecting the culprit to be the KFC chicken. Damn. Should never eat anything in the cinema again! Too dark too dangerous. The movie was quite good, especially all the action parts and the car racing parts. Excited to see the London landmarks that i went before. Well, it will be a long series like SAW so i'm guessing the movie is good as long as the car and action parts are good. Oh and their opening theme song was good! Love that song. It reminds me of Katy Perry's Alien. 

So, today will be my first day cooking for my dad and i have some leftovers of vege this afternoon. Gonna make a fried udon using the leftovers as well as the experimenting sauces. Hope it will be nice! Will let you all know tomorrow =)

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