Monday 13 May 2013

Half-baked Nagasaki Cake

Weekends are too good yet too short every single time isn't it? Just found out that i have a surprisingly good number of views yesterday for my recent post, which makes my day =)

Today i'm going to talk about the Half-baked Nagasaki cake i attempted to bake few weeks ago lol. Last Monday i spent time talking about the General election thingy and left this out. Anyway, it was a up-level challenge as people who always bake cakes would know, without an automatic blender, it is quite hard to make something fluffy and soft. And me, was determined to break this myth and bake some spongy cake.

I managed to beat the eggs and sugar mixture into a foamy texture but only the surface is foamy. The bottom part of the mixture still remain as fluid, i'm guessing it is not easy to incorporate the egg yolks with the egg whites which are easier to foam the meringue. Anyway, i got tired of exercising my hand muscles and therefore continue with the steps despite the incomplete meringue and send it to be baked.

Doesn't look too bad when i pull it out from the oven. The only problem is that regardless i followed the full recipe this time, the mixture is too little to fill the mould therefore it turns out pretty flat.

This is how it looks like after a few seconds/minutes. This is not a failure though because it is meant to look this way. Tried it and realised it's totally not spongy and below that nice thin brown surface the texture actually look and taste like Malay's kuih (kueh) especially the layered kueh (as shown below).

Oh well, i'm sure i'll try to bake it again when i get the blender from my bf's place. The next baking will probably be brownies as I still have a pack of instant mix brownie flour from ages ago and the expiring date is getting close.

Have a great day people!

Recipe resource:

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