Tuesday 21 May 2013

DIY Animal Bookmarks

Hey guys, how's work/school/whatever you are doing?

Today i'm gonna talk about the bookmarks (or is it book-marker?) i made quite a while ago, using the residue material of the flower decor i made last time.

It's extremely easy! (I know i'm really lazy this week =P) I got the wheat-flour modeling dough from Daiso and the sticks are the toilet roll residue i cut off from the previous project.

These are the 3 samples i made to show the difference. Really like using this modeling dough because it is really soft and therefore very easy to shape whatever i want. Also, it is not too oily when u playing with it. Most importantly, no unpleasant smell.

The bear is the most successful sample. After i finish shaping, i leave it on the table for a day, and then i kind of heat it up by placing it next to the laptop, facing right at the laptop internal fan (or whatever it is called).

And this is the worst product. This experiment concludes that patience makes everything better. I didn't leave this one for a day before i start heating it with the laptop heat. Too hot too vigorous therefore the eyes pop out and the face has white spots all over.

And this, is just a sample of bad modeling skill haha. I was trying to make a duck by the way lol.

This can also be a great children's project as it is safe for them. Also can be used as a decoration on the study table. And most importantly, it takes only a few minutes to make it =)

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