Tuesday 14 May 2013

DIY Flower Pot Transformation

Hello people what's up!

I'm always looking forward to DIY Tuesday as i get to show off my progression of transforming my room into a modern space haha. Oh well, maybe not like the professionals but i sure did some great job already lol.

Anyway, today i'm going to tell you what i did with a mini flower pot. There was a plant inside but unfortunately i'm really not good at growing plants so it died. RIP. So, the pot is no more in need so i decide to transform it to a home decor piece.

This is how it looks like originally. There are 2 major problems here: the peeled off paint and the stupid cartoon. Well, kids might love this cartoon very much but i sure don't want it as i'm not making this for a kiddo. So, the solution was to re-paint the pink area and find something to cover up the cartoon.

Creativity of my brain suggested me to paint the pink part with my unused nail polish, the bright orange one. And the cartoon can be covered up by the wallpaper i bought last time by cutting them into thin stripes and stick horizontally.

And here it is. I didn't stick the whole pot with the wallpaper as i thought a little bit of colour block effect will be great. The pot is more like a cone shape with narrower bottom part which is why the wallpaper doesn't look straight although i did stick them straight.

Guess what's in the pot people. It's not just normal sandy stones, it's lavender scented. This is obtained by opening the air-freshener mini sack of mine. I thought it will be some dried lavender flowers inside but turned out to be the sandy stones. You can actually just get the product from a store instead of doing what i did. I saw rose scented one in Daiso the other day. Unfortunately i forgot what it is called as and i can't seem to google it now. Anyway, it should be around the area of aroma sticks and candles.

Then, the next step is to put a few DIY flowers or scented sticks into the pot and make it look pretty =) Turn on ur creativity light bulb!

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