Monday 1 July 2013

Honey Flavoured Ice Cream

New week, new month, 2nd half of the year! Time flies isn't it? It's half way through year 2013 and we are still alive =) I guess it won't be end of the world anytime soon. Well, that's what i hope anyway haha.

Today, i'm gonna talk about the handmade ice cream i did last week. The reason i made it is because i need ice cream to eat with my chocolate mousse. As you know the mousse is super rich so i can't really just eat the mousse alone.

Anyway, i use Honey as my flavouring agent. The recipe is as below:

4 Tablespoon milk powder
~150mL of full cream milk (3/4 ramen bowl)
1 Tablespoon honey

So, i boil the milk and add milk powder. Stir until fully mixed and lastly add in the honey. Then, what you need to do is cool down the mixture for a while and put into freezer. After about 2-3 hours, check out the mixture. It should be frozen halfway. Now what i did was i stir it and whisk it until fluffy. Like how you make whipped cream. As from what i understand, ice cream means frozen cream, with extra creamy taste. So, that's what i did. After that, put back into the fridge and do the same thing in about half and hour or 1 hour. It will be smoother if you can stir the mixture as frequent as possible until it is completely frozen. This is to mimic the process in ice cream machine. What they did is they continually stir the mixture until it becomes ice cream.

It tasted great but i think i can improve the recipe by adding in more milk powder. That can make the ice cream more milky and rich. As i only stir for 2 times for this batch, it is still a little bit rough and not smooth enough. But the texture is alright.

Well hope i can make a better batch next time =)

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