Thursday 2 May 2013

Skinfood Almond Milk Rich Foot Cream

Ok, i promised to do some introduction on products for feet so i'm gonna do it now =)

Anyway, i need to tell you guys how i get the product first haha. I was happily shopping with my bf at the Skinfood shop to get something for his mum, and I was happy because due to her large amount of purchase, i had my skinfood redemption card all stamped so i get to pick a free gift for myself haha. Despite how angry the shop assistant looks and how terrible her attitude was, i'm still happy to get a free foot moisturizing cream. Yes, i'm just trying to complain how rude that sales assistant was, she was like giving me the face as if i owed her million dollars. She is pretty but RUDE.

Anyway, i pick up the foot moisturizing cream as due to the weather and the frequency of me wearing slippers my feet became really dry. It's not cracking but still you can scratch off white flakes (the dead skins) from the edge of the feet. I find it disturbing and is determined to rectify this situation.

This foot cream is very moisturizing, it's kinda like the shea butter body lotion from Bodyshop. It smells nice too. I would advice people to actually apply it before sleep as you won't need to walk around to prevent falling down due to the slippery feet haha. Also, it is to prevent people from getting fungal infections e.g. Athlete foot when they put on socks straight after applying the cream.

So i have tried it for a few days and i quite like the effect of the cream, it's extremely moisturizing not like some of the cream they tend to be very easily vaporated, this stay on the skin and is slowly being absorbed.

My first foot cream and hopefully it will be so great that i dun need to look for a 2nd option =)

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