Friday 17 May 2013

Follow Up: Galileo 2 & Last Cinderella

konichiwa! I'm pretty sure i'm sort of late for today's post because i was so amazed by how Dr Oz used his charm to attract housewives to watch or even go to the show lol. People who are interested in him can surely google about him. BUT, he is not the main focus today.

Today, i'm gonna just do some follow-up reviews on the dramas i introduced previously including <Galileo> and <Last Cinderella>.

Ok, as i mentioned before, i recommended <Galileo> but i said i need more time to review on it's sequel <Galileo 2>. And, after 2 more episodes, i really think that it is not as good as the first season, mainly because of the scripts. The actors and actresses are all as brilliant as ever but the story is kinda weak as it is not very consistently interesting. The latest episode, i find it to be very boring. It was basically just a detective show which has nothing to do with physics. Very disappointing.

But the one before that was quite good actually. Well, i understand that it is very difficult to produce a story that use physics to solve a murder case as physics is not an interesting subject for me in school. Things about waves and electricity, those were the dull topic but they manage to make it little bit more applicable to everyday life and bring out the consequences of using illegal walkie-talkie. And the non-physics storyline was very touching as well. Japanese are really good at emphasizing family love. They can warm your heart and make you cry.

Anyway, <Galileo> was definitely a 8.5/10 but <Galileo 2>, it's around 6 or 6.5/10 up till now.

Ok, time to switch the channel to the romantic comedy!

<Last Cinderella>, my last review was mainly on the actors and actresses. After a few more episodes, i still find it interesting. The story was, well i can't say it is completely original, but i see some variations in the usual romantic comedy framework. Till now, i still can't figure out which guy will the lead actress pick in the end, but that's actually quite normal for japanese drama. I like the chemistry between all the actors and actresses including those less important characters.

Little bit of spoiler here! I was surprised in the last week's episode. When Sakura went to see Hiroto's competition, she suddenly became unconscious when he won the competition. I thought she faint of exhaustion or being too worried, and i was expecting Hiroto to send her back home or to the hospital. However, SURPRISE! She was merely falling asleep =.= I was totally tricked yet totally in love with this kind of surprise haha.

<Last Cinderella> will worth around 7.5/10 at this moment and it's definitely one of best but not the best's best. Hope to get more surprises in the coming episodes!

And here comes to an end of this post and hope you guys have a wonderful weekend =)

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