Friday 10 May 2013

When Detective Met With Weather Girl - Otenki Onee-san


As people might know, Japan has a few main genre of drama that will always be a success which includes what i called "MDS" - Medical, Detective and School. Undeniable, they do produce good medical and detective dramas. Not sure about the school type as i don't really like to watch school-age actors/actresses acting cute.

As there are a lot good Japanese writers who write detective stories, the dramas will often bought the copyright and use the stories. In result of that, the story itself will be very interesting already. Plus some good actors/actresses, it is quite difficult for the drama to be not good. Of cos, i'm talking mainly about the 9pm to 10pm drama, which they call it the "popular time period" as a lot people will be at home watching tv around that time.

So, today i will introduce another detective type drama which is newly released this Spring - <Otenki Onee-san>, which can be translated into The Weather Girl (Sister).

The lead actress is very popular in tv series recently, Emi Takei she acted mostly as lead characters in the dramas she participated in. She was first noticed (by me) when she acted as the supporting character in a romantic drama starring Miura Haruma and Erika Toda. Her best acting skill was unleashed, in my opinion, when she acted as two twin sisters who have extremely different characteristics in <W no Higeki> (Tragedy of W). And guess what, she is only 19 years old!

Anyway, in this new drama of hers, she acts as a genius meteorologist who got her licence at age 11 and now work as a weather girl in a morning tv show. She gets to know a rookie detective during an investigation. Because of her extensive knowledge of the weather, the rookie detective always approach her to ask for help solving the cases he has.

The overall atmosphere of this drama is relatively relaxing and funny compared to other serious detective drama. All the characters in the drama have their own distinctive attitude and this creates an interesting interactions between the characters.

Japanese always know how to input creativity into dramas, they already tried collaborating detective element with all sorts of stuff, e.g. food, physics, etc. Now, time for weather to take part in the reasoning process!

I find it quite interesting to watch, as they also do a simplified animated explanation when they talking about the weather phenomena.

Hope you are now interested and planning to start watching Episode 1 =)

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