Tuesday 28 May 2013

SS: 15 Minutes Dinner - Stir Fry Udon with Sesame Sauce

So, i cooked dinner for my dad last night. Fried udon with sesame sauce.

The ingredients were extremely simple, which include udon pack, the vegetables leftover from lunch, frozen meatballs, Japanese roasted sesame dressing, pepper and salt/soy sauce for the taste.

And this, is the final product. Looks colourful right? It's really easy to cook this dish, you just need about 15 minutes to get it done.

So first, what i did was to defrost the meatballs by putting it into the water and cut half when it is defrost. This will help the meatballs to get cooked evenly in a faster way. Then i cut the garlic and onions to small pieces. The amount is dependable on personal flavour. I don't exactly like garlic and onions so i just put a considerate amount to flavour the noodles, which is around 1 clove of garlic and half an onion.

So, pour oil when the pan is hot and put in the garlic and onion. Stir fry until the garlic turns golden and the onion starts smelling nice. Then, put in the meatballs and continue to stir fry the mixture. Then pour in some water to sort of simmer the meatballs to speed up the cooking process. When the meatballs are 80% cooked, pour in the udon noodles. I will advice to separate the noodles after taking out from the pack as they normally tend to stick together in the pack. You can also separate it after putting into the pan but that will be more difficult to achieve evenly cooked noodles.

When the udon noodles are almost cooked, put in the vegetables and 1 or 2 tablespoon of the sesame dressing. Also, little bit of pepper plus soy sauce (or salt) to flavor the noodles. Gently stir fry for few seconds and off the fire. If the noodles start sticking to the pan during the process, add in more water to separate them.

And that's done! As the vegetables are already cooked, you don't need to spend much time on cooking them. Lastly, put some garnish on top e.g. herbs and chilli flakes.

Well, my dad didn't say if it is nice or not, but he did finish all so i guess it tasted ok haha. Tomorrow, i'll let you all know what i cooked today =)

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