Thursday 30 May 2013

SS: Japanese Egg Roll With Normal Round Pan

Hey people, I'm feeling kinda low today. Called the company i applied for and they told me the director is on leave so can't proceed my application, wtf. Therefore, i start calling to ask for part time jobs around my area. Which makes me feel kinda suck as my bf keep asking me to be piano teacher cos the job earns more. Well, i really don't like applying job just looking at the pay, if i can't enjoy the job, i feel like crap. Oh well, i can't talk much at this moment as i havent got any of the job. Waitress/sales assistant job is easy, just need to go there and get interview. Only the piano job needs further communication as i'm not sure how it works.

Oh well, end of the bad mood and let's start talking about the dish i'm sharing today.

Yes, another egg dish. Japanese egg roll! It looks so similar to the one selling in restaurant, this makes me feel proud as i used the normal flat pan instead of an egg roll pan to make it.

The steps were easy. I used 2 eggs with pinch of salt for flavour. Japanese sometimes also do sweet egg rolls so depends on what you like actually.

Pour 1/3 of the eggs into the pan under low fire. when it's 50% cook with some egg liquid on top, start folding the egg using the spatula. Gently fold it with the residue egg liquid as the glue. If you afraid it will be totally cook, you can remove the pan from the fire when you folding it. After you get a roll, pour in another 1/3 of the eggs and lift the egg roll at 45 degree to let the egg liquid go under the egg roll, then repeat the folding process. Lastly pour in the remaining eggs and repeat the process. When the roll is done, you can let the egg roll stay in the pan for a while to make the top looks a bit brownish as well as to double confirm the egg roll is cooked.

When serving, cut the egg roll into few equal portions so that you can eat it in easily. As the pan i used was round, both ends of the egg roll are relatively more flat than the middle part.

Another tips is to incorporate enough air into the egg liquid during the whisking process. This will make the eggs more fluffy.

And yes, i really love eating eggs therefore i love making egg dishes.

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