Monday 20 May 2013

Brownies From Ready-mix Pack

Well well well, it's Monday again! Always feel so lack of energy on Monday and i think everyone knows why haha.

Anyway, brownies!

I used the ready-mix brownies pack i bought ages ago with 2 eggs, 1/4 cup of water and 1/2 cup of oil as directed. Everything is accurately measured this time. It took me like 10 minutes top to start and put the tray into the oven. Extremely easy this time haha. The key point was to follow everything accurately and you'll get exactly what the box said you'll get. It is definitely easier than making brownies from scratch. However, if looking at the money aspect, ready-mix pack is expensive compared to buying all the ingredients by urself.

The final product. Big love for the crispy top!

Surprisingly thick texture. Just to be clear i didn't put any extra chocolate to make it looks like molten chocolate cake.

The brownies taste really nice, not too sweet except for the crispy layer. Might actually get the ready-mix pack again if i need to haha.

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