Tuesday 4 June 2013

Milk Pudding, Super Soft Super Smooth

Sorry guys, still gonna talk about food today lol.

My head was all about food since last week so never really have the time to think about DIY stuff haha. Anyway, today i'm gonna talk about a simple way of making milk pudding.

It's really easy, just need 5 minutes to mix the ingredients and then what you need to do is leave it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Ok, so what you need is:

1 egg
130mL of milk (full cream milk will achieve richer effect)
25g of sugar

Mix the milk and sugar in the pot and heat up a while to melt the sugar. Then, leave it to cool down a bit before adding the whisked egg as you won't want the egg to become cooked egg before being incorporate into the mixture.

Then pour the mixture into the container, e.g. ramekins or glassware. If you want the pudding to be smoother, you need to sieve the mixture a few timess before pouring into the container so that the surface is smooth and bubble-less.

Put the ramekins into a container which contains water at 1/3 of the height of the ramekins. I used the cake mould as the container lol. Then oven it at 170 degree celcius for 25-30 minutes.

This is how it looks like fresh from the oven. You can put them into the fridge to cool down also for better taste. I used farm milk bought from Tesco which is super rich in flavour just like the full cream milk in the UK or better. So the taste is very rich which might turn some people off lol. But i love it so i dun care haha.

This is the half-eaten pudding. You can see how smooth the surface is. It is literally bouncing when you move the ramekin, which is what i was trying to achieve. I want it to be like the Hokkaido milk pudding. Smooth and milky.

Please do have a try! All you need is egg and milk and sugar =)

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