Wednesday 26 June 2013

Little Bit Of My Life

Finally it's raining this week! Hope the rain will wash away the haze and give us a nice clean environment again. Also saw the news that Indonesia finally apologize to Malaysia and SG for the worst haze situation to date. Well, good news i guess.

Was making some ice cream to eat with my chocolate mousse last night and it's quite a success. Can't wait to share with you next Monday =)

Recently i am reorganising my laptop stuff and found out i have some half-written stories and a series of short articles in my folder. Would love to share it here but it's in chinese. Trying to continue with the writing process and when it's time i will share it here =) I guess i still write better in chinese rather than in english lol.

Not much to write today as I haven't done anything special except visiting my grandma in the hospital. Not gonna talk about the hospital stuff as it's very frustrating and disappointing most of the time. And that including all the illegal parking in the parking areas, ward conditions and everything. I guess that's what they can offer in government hospital when patient's bill is heavily subsidized. Compared to Singapore General Hospital, SGH is like a 5 star hotel with lots of staffs and advanced hardware.

Well that's all for today and see ya tomorrow =)

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