Thursday 20 June 2013

5 Tips For Fighting Haze

The haze is STILL killing me! And it's getting worse and worse and worse. It's like the trading market, you won't know when will be the maximum point. Damn.

So to be a caring blogger, i would like to give a few tips on coping with this crazy haze.

1. Wear a mask!
Get a box of facemasks and wear it everyday when you need to go out. You might think it is not really necessary, but the masks will help to filter the polluted air you breathe in therefore less smokes get into your airways and lungs. For people who are more cautious, get a better mask to get better filtration.

2. Drink as much water as you can!
The smokes will irritate your throat and therefore causing inflammation which results in sore throat. Water can help to wash and hydrate your throat to prevent sore throat. Imagine you now have smokes everywhere in your throat, drinking water will help to flush down the smoke particles and clean your throat.

3. Stay indoor!
Well, this is common sense. Stay indoor and on your fan to make sure there is good airflow in the house/room. It is important to have good airflow. The smoke particles will still get in no matter how secure your house is, therefore good airflow will help to prevent the smoke from accummulating in a certain place.

4. Keep clean!
A good hygiene will help to prevent falling sick especially at this point when the air you breathing is not clean. Hand washings are extremely important. As your body is busy fighting with the haze, you need keep good hygiene so that bacteria or viruses have no chance to attack your body.

5. Protect your lungs!
Little bit of biology lesson here. The lungs are responsible in the gases exchange for the body, i.e. take in Oxygen and throw out Carbon Dioxide and other waste products. So in this case, when we inhale in the polluted air, the lungs will need to work harder than usual to filter the air. Therefore your lungs are very important to keep you healthy. What you can do is to practise point 1 to 4 and stay healthy. For people who smokes, the haze will burden your lungs further more so do try to reduce the amount of smoking.

These 5 points are the basic things that you should do during this crazy haze period. Hope you guys find it helpful =)

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