Monday 24 June 2013

Chocolate Molten Cake

Fresh from the oven people! Just made the chocolate molten cake and here I am sharing with you guys how I made it :)

Anyway I used the recipe from bbc good food but varied a little based on the ingredients I had at home. Also i prefer less sweet so i reduce the amount of sugar and substitute with cocoa powder. So I will share my recipe here:

50g butter
50g cooking chocolate 
2 medium eggs
40g sugar
25-30g unsweetened cocoa powder
20g all purpose flour

The steps were same as the recipe. Melt and mix the butter and chocolate. Then mix with other ingredient until smooth. Be careful not to cook the eggs so i add the sugar with eggs and other ingredient before mixing with the hot mixture. Then before the chocolate start to solidify, equally pour the mixture into ramekins or other oven proof material. I would suggest to use baking paper to line the container so that it won't stick. Alternatively you can spread some butter in the container. Oven at 200 degree Celsius for 10 minutes in my case. Then just invertly push out the cake onto a plate. Serve with whipped cream will be heaven!

If you want something from fridge you can also put the mixture into the fridge and make chocolate mousse instead. Which is equally nice. 
 This is the chocolate mousse. Smooth and thick, the way I like it.

Da-dang!! Chocolate molten cake. Look just like the way I want it. Liquid chocolate bursting out from inside. Coolest successful dessert I baked to date haha.

Hope you guys like it:)

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