Tuesday 25 June 2013

FOB Saving Rock & Roll!

Sorry guys, pretty busy this week as my grandma is in the hospital due to some bone fracture from a fall. Have to be the driver and send my mum to and fro hospital. Not too bad actually cos i get to fast and furious on the road haha.

Anyway, the haze situation is kinda getting better now so hope you guys are well and have your face masks prepared. I am quite surprise to see not a lot people wearing mask around the hospital area. Maybe they are all smokers lol. The hospital is very near to the sea so the smoke is more concentrated around that area. Well i wear my mask.

So, no DIY today. Just gonna share with you guys a great news! I just found out that Fall Out Boy will be in Singapore for the Save Rock & Roll world tour! So freaking excited right? Omg FOB is like the coolest band ever, and their new album rocks! Pardon me for all the exclamation marks haha. Too excited =D I'm so gonna go to their concert in August, hope i can get someone to go with me. So they can record the videos while i scream my lungs out haha. Too bad my concert buddy not around and i can't share my joy with her. But anyway, i'm so looking forward for them to be in Singapore!

Ok that's all for the day. Gonna get the tickets fast =)

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