Wednesday 19 June 2013

When Toasts Meet Milk

Ok first of all, the haze is killing me. My house is like a big oven with smokes smell here and there and everywhere. My respiratory system is dying! I wonder when will this annual event of forest fire be stopped cos everyone in the countries affected are getting sick. Such terrible polluted air.

Anyway, i was actually in the mood of making some scones just now but i couldn't do it because i dun have enough butter/margarine at home. This sucks! Anyway, will try to get some soon or i'll just bake something which use oil instead of the butter. I wonder if frozen oil can be used hmm. Will let you guys know when i try haha.

Today, i'm sharing with you my pleasant surprise last night when i was hunting for supper. Wasn't so hungry to eat instant noodle so i look for biscuits/ bread. Anyway, i toasted 2 piece of breads and start looking for the chicken floss but apparently it was finished already. So i was so disappointed as i already pour a glass of milk to pair with my toasts. Since i have no butter at home too, i thought, maybe dipping the toast into the milk can be nice. Like how people dip oreo biscuits into milk right.

It was fantastic! As the bread was toasted to become crunchy, it kinda tastes like newly baked pastry. And because all the water was gone during the heating process, the milk easily bind with the toast and therefore it's crunchy and juicy. Unlike biscuits, bread structure is much hollow so it was very easy to absorb the milk, within seconds. I finish my toasts so quickly and by the time i finish, my milk was half glass gone already.

Well, this might not apply to low fat milk as what you need is a good glass of milk to spice up the toasts. However, chocolate or strawberry flavoured milk might be able to work. I dunno haha.

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