Thursday 4 July 2013

The Following

Am gonna talk about a tv series today as i don't think i'll have time to do so tomorrow.

The tv series i'm introducing today is The Following. Ya, pretty dark and violent drama again lol.

The story is about how a serial killer manages to manipulates other people and make them do things including killings for him even when he's in jail. The main protagonist is a ex-FBI agent who caught the serial killer and put him into the jail. Very organised and structured drama, lots of good actings. I would say it can become the next best thriller drama tv series.

Although it only has one season now, the 2nd season is already in plan and gonna be released next year i think. I'm now at the episode 8 season 1 and is totally drawn into the plot and amazed by how detailed and brilliant the serial killer is. Well, he obviously has no empathy for people and is so good at giving people what they want, which makes him a total psychopath. A charismatic one.

I think they did a good job in recruiting the actors and actresses. They are all great for their characters and performed amazingly, especially the killer.

The story makes me think about how a religion can affect someone and the belief in the wrong thing can be deathly. Oh well, i can't really judge people in what they believe in but i have to say the followers of the killer definitely put in lots of faith in him to treat him as a god.

Cool drama but i guess it's for 18 and above since it's quite violent.

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