Wednesday 10 July 2013

Milk Ice Cream

Made another new batch of ice cream last night and ate it today haha. Didn't take any pic as it looks normal and i dun have the ice cream scope so can't do the ice cream shots haha. Anyway i change the recipe a bit as below:

5 Tablespoons of milk powder
1.5 Tablespoons of castered sugar
1 egg

So firstly is to add hot water to the milk powder and sugar to melt the powder. The water level should be as minimal as possible, just nice to cover up the powder. Then make sure the powder is melted and add in the whisked egg gradually while mixing. After the egg is fully integrated into the mixture, put it into the freezer. After an hour, take the mixture out to mix it again. As mentioned in previous ice cream post, the mixing process should be repeated as frequently as possible to produce smooth ice cream.

This time the ice cream taste richer with very strong milk taste. Also more creamy. During the mixing process, it kinda feel like watery dough texture, like gelato. I would say this time is more successful but some people might not like it as it is really milky. I guess i will try to make milo or chocolate icecream next time haha.

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